o Quick Setup - takes less than 3 minutes to setup
- Setting up a board is simple. Go to fill out the set-up form and submit it. Within 3
minutes of submitting the form, you'll receive a confirmation email, indicating your
board is fully operational. The email will also give you the url/address of your board,
and the address/url of your board management page, where you can further customize
your board, if you choose.
o No software to download, install, or maintain
- Starting your board, does not require you to download or install any
software. Your board is automatically set up, hosted, and maintained on
our servers. We'll keep your board up and running 24 hours a day.
You should expect your board to be online 98.5% of the time.
Your board is hosted on servers utilizing IBM mirrored hard drives with
generator backup power in case of power failures. We also do daily backups
and create weekly off-site backups. All servers have the latest Virus
and Firewall protection software installed.
o No advertising or banners placed on your board
- We don't place any advertising on your board. All boards are
private and all content, including email addresses, names, etc. are never
provided, in any manner, to other parties.
You, as the board manager, can place whatever advertising you choose on your board.
o Integrates into your current site seamlessly
- We provide you with a unique URL(domain name/web site address) that can be used
to create a direct link to your
board, bypassing our home page completely.
You can set this direct link up as a button, text link, or other
type link on one or more pages of your site. You can also make the
"Home" button that appears on your message board link back to your home
page or any other page on your site. The net affect is, your board appears seamlessly
integrated into your site, as if it were just another page on your
o Unlimited Free Telephone Tech Support
- Telephone technical support is available, as often as you like, free of charge.
Telephone tech support is available 9am-5pm EST US.
o Low Cost $9.95/month
- Because we place no advertising on your board, we do charge
a monthly service fee of $9.95/month. There are no other setup
fees. There is no limit on the number of users or messages
for your board. We offer a 30 day money back guarantee.
If you cancel within the first 30 days we'll issue
a 100% refund (no reason needed for canceling).
A 15% discount is also available for users who
pre-pay yearly($101.50).
Posting Messages
o Attach copies of Files, residing on your PC, to messages
- Your board has the capability of allowing users to attach files residing on their
personal computer to messages they create. This feature is initially disabled
but can be enabled by the board manager, via your board management page,
at any time. Files can be attached of any type,
i.e. word processing, database, spreadsheet, pdf, graphics, etc. The process of
attaching a file to a message is simple and requires no additional software. Once
a file has been attached to a message, other users viewing your board, have the
ability to download those files directly to their pc, simply by clicking the
"File Attachment" icon located at the bottom of the message. As the board
manager, you always have the ability to manage and view a list of all attached files and their sizes.
This is an optional feature and incurs and additonal $10/month fee, if enabled.
o Attach/Insert photos/graphics to messages
- Your board has the ability of allowing users to attach a copies of photographs or graphics residing on
their pc to messages they create. Users can also cause graphics, residing elsewhere on the net to
appear as embedded graphics/photos within their messages. This feature can be enabled or
disabled via your board management page at any time.
o Profanity Language Filter Available
- Your board has the ability, if you turn on the Language Filter, to
prevent Profanity from appearing within messages on your board.
o Spell Checker capability
- Enabling the Spell Checker option on your board, allows users to
request a spell check of their message before submitting it. The Spell
check option identifies misspelled words and presents a list of possible
correct spellings the user can choose from. Because of additional
resources required to provide this service, an additional service fee of
$2.50 per month is assessed when this option is enabled.
o Preview Messages before posting
- Your board gives users the ability to preview what their message will
look like, before posting it to your board.
o Delete/Modify message capability
- You can allow users to Modify and Delete their own messages. You can turn these
capabilities on or off for the whole board, for individual users, or by forum/category.
As the board manager, you can modify or delete
anyone's message. A user can modify or delete one of his messages at a time, however ,
as the board manager, you can delete messages one at a time, selectively from a list,
or as a group by forum or based on creation dates.
You can also configure your board to handle message deletion automatically, based on
criteria you specify.
o Add Smilie graphics to messages
- Your board gives users, the ability to add Smilie icons to their
messages. To view examples of the type of Smilie icons available:
Click Here
o Votable Messages(create msgs that can be voted on)
- You or your users can create "Votable" messages/issues
within your board. This feature allows users to vote on issues and see
immediate voting results. This is an integrated (built-in feature)
of every board. You can configure your board to allow anyone to vote
on "votable" messages, or only allow "Registered" users to vote.
As the board manager, you can configure your board to:
1. not allow "Votable" messages to be created, or
2. allow anyone to create "Votable" messages, or
3. only allow the board manager to create "Votable" messages.
o Unlimited Message capability
- Well almost. Each board is allocated 10 megabytes of storage space for messages.
99% of our boards never exceed this limit. That amount of space allows for thousands of messages to be stored.
Boards are charged an additional $1 per month for each megabyte(1,000,0000) of storage
needed beyond the default 10 megabytes.
o Moderator capability(can be used to monitor and prevent unwanted msgs)
- Your board can be configured as a "Moderated" board. When you enable
this option, anyone posting a message on your board will not have their message
immediately displayed, but will instead, be told that their message will be displayed
upon approval by the Board Moderator. At the time they post their message, you
or someone you designate as a moderator, will be notified immediately, via email,
that a new message has been posted and is awaiting approval. The message will
be placed on the board automatically, once you review and approve it.
You can assign "Moderator" privilege to as many users as
you like. For example, you may want to designate a different moderator for
each forum/section/category on your board.
o Full HTML message formatting capability(allows bolding/italics/underlining etc.)
- Users can add special formatting to their messages, such as Bold, Italics, Underlining, Color, Hyperlinks, Font Type/Size, Smilies, etc.
to the text of their message without knowing html, by using the msg Formatting Toolbar when creating a message(see below):
Click Here for info on using the Message Formatting Toolbar.
o HTML Text Formatting Toolbar available
- An "HTML Formatting Toolbar" is provided to users when
posting a message. The toolbar allow users to take advantage of HTML
text formatting codes, without having to know any HTML. The toolbar
allows users to easily add color, bold, italics, images, etc. to their messages.
Click Here for info on using the Message Formatting Toolbar.
o Make Messages Private
- A user has the ability, when posting a message, to specify that his/her
messsage is to be viewed only by himself and the board manager/moderator.
o Add/Remove/Rename Input Form Fields used to post messages
- You can specify optional input form fields, that can be added to your
board to capture additional user input. These fields are located on the input
form used to post messages. The labels for these fields
can be specified by you. The "Search" facility will
automatically add these fields to it's search criteria list. This allows
users to search messages on these fields also.
o Have messages automatically posted to 2nd
- Optional feature that allows posts on one board to be automatically duplicated
on a second board. Some Board Managers use this capability to have
identical boards but with different login, visibility and user
privileges on each board.
o Can set posting restrictions on certain groups/individuals
- The board manager can restrict posting of messages by individuals or groups of individuals.
He/She also has the ability to specify posting restrictions by board forum/category.
For example, you can specify that a particular section can be Viewed but not Posted into by normal users.
o Have a copy of your post automatically emailed to you
- Each user has the option, when posting a message, to request the board automatically
email them a copy of the message they just posted.
o Have copy of replies automatically emailed to you
- Each user has the option, when posting a message, to request the board automatically
email them copies of replies to their messages.
o Have copy of posts automatically emailed to selected associates
- Each user has the option, after posting a message, to request the board automatically
email a copy of their message to email recipients they specify.
Viewing Messages
o Multiple Display Formats available
- You have the option to configure your message board as either Threaded, SemiThreaded, or Non-Threaded.
The configuration you choose will determine the general display format and capabilities your board will have.
You can easily change, via your board management page, from one configuration to another.
The configuration you select, will most likely be based on how you plan to use your
board. If your visitors use your board primarily for discussion topics, you'll want to set it up
as a Threaded or Semi-Threaded board. If your visitors use your board primarily to post single
items/messages such as items for sale, help wanted, classified ads, etc. (messages that won't have
further discussion associated with them), you'll want your board set up as a Non-Threaded board.
To view examples of the 3 different board configurations: Click Here
o Sort messages by date and/or message subject
- You can specify that messages on your board be sorted and displayed by Date (ascending/descending) or
by Message Title
o Color coding used to differentiate "Read Msgs" and "UnRead Msgs"
- Boards utilizing the "Threaded" configuration, color code message icons,
allowing users to quickly identify messages read from messages not read.
o Ability to retrieve only recently posted messages(today's, yesterday's, this week, etc )
- Users have the ability to only retrieve messages posted during the last day, or last 2 days,
or last week, etc.. This makes for easier reading of messages.
o Search/View messages only matching certain keywords and/or other filters
- Every board has a "Search" button, allowing users to search
and create a list of messages containing keywords,
or matching other search criteria such as date created, name of message
creator, etc.
o Ability to view and search Archived messages
- Users can search a board's Archived messages and
create a list of archived messages
containing keywords,
or matching other search criteria such as date created, name of message
creator, etc.
o View user profiles (total visits/total posts/last visits/etc.)
- Users can display a "Member List" providing information on
board members, such as User Name, Email Address, Number of messages created,
Last Visit, and Total number of visits. This feature can be turned on/off by the
board manager.
o Can set viewing restrictions of groups/individuals
- Board managers can specify viewing and access restrictions for groups or
individuals as well as specific sections/forums on their board.
o Users can use their Email Browser to Post/Reply/View messages
- Each board has the capability to allow users to view messages posted via
their email program. They can also post and reply from their email browser.
o IP tracking and IP banning can be used to restrict viewing
- Users can be prevented from viewing your board based on IP address. IP addresses can
also be displayed with posted messages if desired.
Password Protection
o Advanced Password Protection Features
- Each board has the ability to enable various levels of password protection. A system wide
password and/or individual passwords can be created. Individual passwords can be assigned specific "Access
Privileges" and/or individual forums within the board can be assigned different levels
of access.
o Make entire board, or only certain Sections/Forums of your board "Private"
- You can ensure no one has access to your board unless they have an authorized password. You can also
have your board configured so that some forums/sections are available for public viewing while others are
password protected.
o Create Login Passwords w/different levels of access privilege
- This capability allows you to assign, at the individual password level, specific access restrictions/privileges
to different forums/sections of your board. For example, you might configure a password to be able to
only view Forum A, view and post in Forum B, and restrict access to Forum C and D.
o Create An Introductory Paragraph on your Login Page
- You have the option of creating an introductory paragraph/page of text that will
be displayed on your Login Page. You can include graphics and/or HTML
formatting codes within your text.
o "Member Only" Login Option
- Board access can be restricted to "Members Only".
o Different options available for creating user passwords.
- Three different configuration options available for creating user passwords:
Option 1. You can allow users to create their own login passwords.
Option 2. You can allow users to create their own login passwords, however their
password is not valid until approved by you.
Option 3. You can not allow individuals to create their own login passwords,
but rather create and assign them yourself.
o Duplicate Password usage detection
- You have the option of configuring your board to prevent, detect, and report
when a password is being used by more than one person.
o Remember user login passwords
- Users have the option of requesting their login password be remembered. This option
gives the user a faster way of accessing password protected boards. A user's saved
password allows the system to use automatic password validation.
o IP Banning and Tracking capability
- In addition to preventing access to your board through the use of passwords,
you can also prevent access by banning IP addresses of users.
Email Notification / ListServ
o Advanced Email Notification/Listserv Features
- Each board has Email Notification features that allow users to be automatically
notified whenever new messages are added to the board. These features can be
configured to operate in the same fashion as a ListServer, i.e. a summary of
all new messages posted to a board are automatically sent, once a day, to a list of board users.
o Users can use their Email Browser to View, Post, and Reply to messages
- An "Email Notification List" is maintained for each board.
Visitors can request to be notified whenever new messages
are added to your board by adding their email address to your board's
Email Notification List. Users can be specific as to which forums they
are interested in being notified of new messages being posted.
Users also have the ability to Post and Reply to messages via their email browser.
o Immediate Notification to Board Mgr/Moderators of new messages posted
- You have the option of specifying that the Board Manager and/or individuals designated
as Moderators, receive immediate notification whenever new messages are posted.
o Automatic Notification of message replies to creator of message
- Message posters can request immediate email notification anytime a reply is posted to their message.
o Automatic Notification to board users of new messages posted
- Users can request, via each board's email notification list, that they be
notified anytime a new message is posted to their board.
o Fully Integrated Listserv (Mailing List) capability
- Each board has the ability to be configured so that a summary list of all messages
posted on the board be emailed to a list of board members automatically.
o Immediate email notification of new messages posted
- Email notifications are normally sent once a day, usually early in the morning.
The board manager has the ability to specify that email notifications be
sent immediately for certain individuals.
o Advanced Customization Features
- Although each board is fully operational when set up, if you choose, you can customize the look
and features of your board. Of course, many board managers choose not to do any customization
to their board. Each board has over 100 customization features available. No programming
skill is required to utilize the various customization features. Almost all customization features can be
enabled or selected by choosing from a list of choices using radio buttons, checkboxes, color pallets,
menu selections, etc. Some examples of customization features include specifying:
board background, board color, text color, link colors, board logo, button selections, display formats,
o Create An Introductory paragraph to your board and/or login page
- You have the option of creating an introductory paragraph/page of text that will
be displayed at the top of your board. You can include graphics and/or HTML
formatting codes within your text.
o Select from several display formats
- There are several board configurations and display formats to choose from.
You can switch from one to another, as easily as clicking on a radio button.
You can choose from Non-Threaded, Semi-Threaded, or Fully Threaded as
your default board configuration. You can also choose different display formats
and options within those configurations.
o Custom board logo
- We automatically create a custom 3D board logo for you, however if you have
your own logo, you can use it by simply typing in the URL/Internet Address
of that logo in the "Board Logo" field on your Board Management page and
the logo will immediately appear at the top of your board. If you have a logo
but don't have a URL for it, email it to us and we'll place it on your board, no charge.
o Custom board background
- You have several background gifs to choose from for a board background,
or if you have your own background gif, you can use it as your board background.
o Custom board colors
- You can choose from a large number of colors to use for your board background, or
if you have a color we don't offer, you can use it by specifying it hexadecimal color code.
o Custom buttons
- If you prefer to use buttons other than the ones we provide, you can
create and use your own.
o Configure as 'Moderated' or 'Non-Moderated
- You have the option of customizing your board to operate as a "Moderated" or "Non-Moderated"
board. For example, to configure your board as a Moderated board, you simply click on the radio
button on your board management page labeled:
"Moderated Board" . A moderated board allows users to post messages, however
the messages are not displayed to board visitors until approved by the board manager or a designated
board moderator.
o Multiple Visitor Counters
- Your board provides two types of Visitor counters. One counter
automatically tracks the number of visitors to your board from the time it was created
and the other tracks number of visitors from the last time you reset it.
o Subdivide Board (Divide board into multiple forums)
- Your board can be divided, if you choose, into different sections/forums/categories. You may
choose to subdivide your board in this fashion in order to present a more organized content
layout to your board visitors, or perhaps to restrict access to certain sections/forums.
o IP Banning and Tracking capability
- This feature was mentioned in the Password Protection section and is
simply a feature that allows you, as the board manager, to restrict access
to your board by specifying certain IP addresses that will not be allowed
to access your board.
o Automatic Archival/Deletion of messages
- Your board has a number of utilities, available to the board manager, for Archiving
and Deleting messages. Archiving and deleting of messages can be done manually
or scheduled to happen automatically based on criteria you define.
o Guestbook showing number of Visits, Posts, Last Visit of each user
- Your board has the ability of displaying to you and/or your board visitors a guestbook
reflecting information on each board user such as number of visits, number of posts,
last visit, etc.
o Ability to insert photos/graphics within messages
- You have the option of configuring your board to allow users to attach photographs or
other graphics to messages they create.
o Ability to attach files to messages.
- You have the option of configuring your board to allow users to attach files to messages,
such as spreadSheets, databases, word processing, pdf, cad, or other type files.
o Archive Message capability
- Every board has the ability to move messages from the active portion
of the board into a less used area, called its "Archive". Moving
a message into a board's archive does not prevent a user from viewing it.
Users can view messages that have been archived by searching the
board's archives. Moving older messages into a board's archive, will tend
to make it run faster.
o Time Zone and Date Format customization
- You can specify the Time Zone and date format that best suits your board users.
o Can specify MetaTags for search engine submittal
- Some board managers submit their board to search engines. You can make your
board more "Search Engine Friendly" by specifying content of certain meta tags associated
with your board. Using this feature will better ensure a good position ranking
whenever a search engine indexes your board. This is an optional feature.
Remember, the default configuration for all boards prevents search engines
from accessing your board, therefore it is your responsibility to submit
your board, if you desire search engine indexing.
o 50% Revenue Sharing Program
- We offer a 50% revenue sharing program for board managers
wishing to become involved in our affiliate program.
Under this program, we become an equal partner with our affiliates.
All fees received from referrals of an Affiliate are split on a 50/50 basis
with the Affiliate. Establishing yourself as an
affiliate, takes less than 3 minutes and is explained on your board management
page. To view example instructions and more info on our affiliate program
Click Here