How to add additional formatting features such as Bold, Italic, Quote, etc...
You can add additional formatting features,
such as "Bolding", "Underlining", "Color", and even adding smilies
by using the formatting buttons provided.    Bold Italicized Underline Centered Insert Image Insert List Insert Smilie

These buttons generate Formatting Codes you can use to change the appearance of your text.  Following is the list of formatting codes available along with the associated button that will generate the code for you automatically:

Bold Bold: enclose your text with [b] and [/b] . 
Example: This is [b]bold[/b] text. = This is bold text.

Italicized Italic: enclose your text with [i] and [/i] . 
Example: This is [i]italic[/i] text. = This is italic text.

Underline Underline: enclose your text with [u] and [/u].
Example: This is [u]underline[/u] text. = This is underline text.

Center Center: enclose your text with [c] and [/c].
Example: This is [c]A Test[/c] text.
This will cause the words "A Test" to be centered within the line.

Center Bulleted List: Create a bulletize list with [list] and [/list],
and items in list with [*] and [/*].
Example: [list][*]Item 1[/*][*]Item 2[/*][*]Item 3[/*][/list]
This will cause the following list to be created:

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3

Insert Image Image: You can cause an image to appear within your message by enclosing the url of the image with [img] and [/img].
Example: [img][/img].

  Font Colors:
Enclose your text with [fontcolor] and [/fontcolor]
Example: [red]Text[/red] = Text
Example: [blue]Text[/blue] = Text
Example: [pink]Text[/pink] = Text
Example: [brown]Text[/brown] = Text
Example: [black]Text[/black] = Text
Example: [orange]Text[/orange] = Text
Example: [violet]Text[/violet] = Text
Example: [yellow]Text[/yellow] = Text
Example: [green]Text[/green] = Text
Example: [gold]Text[/gold] = Text
Example: [white]Text[/white] = Text
Example: [purple]Text[/purple] = Text

 Font Sizes:
Example: [size=1]text[/size=1] = Text
Example: [size=2]text[/size=2] = Text
Example: [size=3]text[/size=3] = Text
Example: [size=4]text[/size=4] = Text
Example: [size=5]text[/size=5] = Text
Example: [size=6]text[/size=6] = Text

FYI: Users knowing html, also have the option of utilizing the full set of html formatting tags by embedding html tags within their messages.

How To Add Smilies to your Messages

You may have seen others using smilies in email messages or other bulletin board messages. Smilies are keyboard characters used to convey an emotion, such as a smile or a frown . Your bulletin board can automatically convert certain text to a smilie graphical representation when it is inserted between brackets [].  Following are a list of smilies that are currently you can insert into your messages:
smile [:)]
big smile [:D]
cool [8D]
blush [:I]
tongue [:P]
evil [}:)]
wink [;)]
clown [:o)]
black eye [B)]
eightball [8]
frown [:(]
shy [8)]
shocked [:O]
angry [:(!]
dead [xx(]
sleepy [|)]
kisses [:X]
approve [^]
disapprove [V]
question [?]
-------- Animated Smilies below available with the EmailNotification Plus Feature --------
tongues [a1]
shocking [a2]
googleyes [a3]
waving [a4]
clapping [a5]
mooning [a6]
baby [a7]
shy [a8]
reading [a9]
clowning [a10]
playing [a11]
strutin [a12]
peekaboo [a13]

Creating a Hyperlink/Email URL in your message
You can easily add a hyperlink to your message.

All you need to do is type a URL, for example typing: or,
will cause the system to automatically create the hyperlink:

The trick here is to make sure you prefix your URL with the "http://" or "www://"

Email Addresses are also automatically converted to a hyperlinked email addresses.
For example:

[email protected]
Outputs this:
[email protected]